More photos in the vicinity:
Alhambra de Granada - Patio de los Arrayanes
Alhambra de Granada - Palacio de Comares
Alhambra de Granada - Patio de los Leones

The Patio de los Arrayanes is 42 m long by 22 m wide; and in the centre there is a large pond set in the marble pavement, full of goldfish, and with myrtles growing along its sides.
Alhambra de Granada - Patio de los Arrayanes
Date: Nov 06, 2006
Longitude: -3° 35.38'
Latitude: 37° 10.63'

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Map references: left: courtesy CIA, middle: courtesy US LoC Map Collection, right: courtesy NASA.
This page has been updated on: 2007-Nov-08